Friday, September 23, 2005

must be something in the air...

I recieved a short letter(Actually, it was more like a nice postcard) from an old girlfriend the other day. We're talking high school. Yeah. That old. It was sent a month ago almost to my folks address, since that was the only address she had for me. She said basically she had been thinking of me and was wondering how things are for me. Things did not end so well between us. She broke my heart so long ago. Silly huh. Like I knew what a broken heart was back then. I held a grudge for a long time until I simply forgot why. Many many years passed and now this. But I won't say that it was completely out of the blue. I, for reasons I won't get into, was actually thinking of her a couple of months ago. Curiously pondering the same question... What has she been up too? (I think we all have done that at some point or another. Don't lie, I know you have. ) But is it possible that just thinking of someone could conjur up something in the air that has been lingering around for all these years. Showing itself in a form of a dream. I think I am gonna call her....


Blogger Brad O'Brien said...

Yeah no doubt dude I've been having my past come back around to me al f'n week! I actually talked to elain the other day.

10:46 PM  

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