Saturday, January 10, 2009


It appears that the last time I wrote a blog was almost a year ago. And in reading it, and remembering how '08 began, i don't feel like i full filled my mission statement.

'08 was a bad year with a few breaks along the way.

I just can't seem to have both. That balanced state of prosperous and happy new year.

In the one hand I hold my career and my professional goals and aspirations. As an independent and small business partner i struggle everyday to earn that elusive paycheck to maintain and sustain. Its not the easy path by far. In 08, I worked all year long. On essentially one project (which anyone in the field knows that isn't necessarily a good thing) but all year long. It feels good to work. I love what I do. But as a small business, we are making mistakes and learning. That's just the way it goes. In 08, we made some mistakes. Coupled with delays and complications it was a frustrating year for us, professionally. And to know we do great work. To do great work. Be told we do great work. Doesn't remove the fact that we as a business are not doing well.

We have a lot to learn about what happened in 2008.

Then there is the other hand. Dragging a half built box that's falling apart every step along the way. And I am wondering how as a carpenter I can not seem to build a decent box. In '08, I remained open to opportunities. Forget a shape hole, I am going to leave the top off all together. Then it occurred to me. Its not the quality of the box that's causing it to fall apart. Life is a bumpy road. And the simple fact of the matter is that as long as I have one hand holding my career, I can not pick that box up and stop it from breaking as it is being dragged over every bump along that road.

So in keeping with the same spirit as in 2008, I am going to modify my box again. Because that's all I can do. I need to love and be loved like every one else. And I can't let go of my professional path. My career. We all need to love also what it is that we do that puts food in our stomachs and a roof over our heads. I couldn't imagine being this uncertain, down if you will, about my personal life if I had to go to a job every day that I hated, every day.

So it's back to the engineers table. Pulling out those blueprints and I am gonna see if can't make this a better look out '09, maybe i will add some wheels. :-)